- Ana Luc�a Frega
A music educator, was the principal of the School of Performing Arts at the Teatro Col�n of Buenos Aires, a position from which she retired in 1990.
- Arpay
Andean music band, includes music online, biography, gallery, and tour calendar.
- Brazilian Music
Mangotree Music Productions supplies information on Brazilian musicians past and present, including interviews. Searchable site. Links.
- Capari-Cani -
Musical ensemble playing Andean traditional music and Western blends.
- Cultures of the Andes
Music, history, archaeology, languages, and politics.
- Elder, Roy
Roy Elder shows on his saxes a work on the ethnic and folkloric music of Argentina.
- Hugo Bellard
Brazilian producer, arranger and songwriter offering recording and promotion of CD.
- Inca Sons
This group plays music from the Andes of Peru and the rest of Latin America. It presents full-scale stage productions for fairs, festivals and concerts, gives lectures, performances and workshops for schools, and provides musical training.
- International Jazz Peru
Peruvian first nonprofit jazz arts group, promotes jazz education through La Orquesta Juvenil de M�sica Nueva (New Music Youth Orchestra).
- Kuyayky, Music from Peru
The Hurtado Bonilla family, whose wish is to promote and share their music and roots with the world. Information is partly in English and partly in Spanish.
- Los Hermanos �balos
For over 60 years these artist have performed the folk music of Argentina. Contains their history, music an related links.
- Maria Brazil
Personal website about a few cities in Brazil. Includes information about music, food and travel.
- Music from the Andes
Spotlights music from the Andean countries, includes descriptive notes about their music.
- Music of Bolivia
Collection of Bolivian music in Real Player and Media Player formats.
- Music Preferences in Colombia
Discussion of musical styles prefered by Colombians in various demographic groups.
- Peru Negro
A virtual presentation of Perus premiere music and dance ensemble. Led by Ronaldo Campos, Peru Negro preserves the traditions of Perus African and creole legacies.
- Ruben Nievas
Composer who focuses on synthesizer music. Portfolio of work, downloadable compositions and album information.
- The Brazilian Sound
Features information on brazilian music and culture. Provides music store, profile of artists, music sorted by subject, books and archives.
- Voice of Guyana International
Broadcasting online from London and made up of Mega Jams FM, Voice of Guyana International, Radio Umoja and Suno Radio. Bringing news, music and programming to Guyanese at home and abroad 24/7.
- Zumbayllu
Presents music and theatre programs about Bolivia and Per�, as well tropical music from South America.